Saturday, May 9, 2009

May 9, Retreat Day 2

I am so sorry about the delay, but it appears that for some reason (hmm), I was not going to get my entries or requests out to all of you who have been following our journey. But I know that you have been praying, which we completely feel here in Lyon. Our group learned just on Thursday that Lyon is the occult capital of France. I’ll leave it to you to figure out who our opposition is here in this beautiful city. I will give not credit. But we did find it interesting that the Masonic Lodge was going to be located right next to our meeting room. From what I heard from the missionaries here, the Mason members are judges, and other high officials throughout France. Our Lord has been very faithful. We prayed for a buffer to absorb sound so as not to disturb their group, but that if any did need to get through, it would. As far as I know, there where not complaints from our neighbors.Amelie did not come last night. We all looked for her. We must trust that God has a plan for her life and that this may be her first encounter with real Christians. I Corinthians 3:6 tells us, “ I (Paul) planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God make it grow.” We do not were she is in the list, but God does.What Janice said is true. The retreat attendees are indeed anxious to talk. Some ladies are missionaries. They are needing emotional and spiritual support. The other ladies are here in France with their working husbands. They are extremely lonely. Families are only allowed one working visa, so wives are left at home either alone, or with their children. It is very difficult to break into French circles, so friendships are limited. I am especially thankful to God that I am able to be a sounding board for a few while we are here.Our small groups after Janice’s talks have been wonderful! Hearts have been open to what the Lord has given Janice to say, so the women are sharing freely. There is too much to share in one sitting. Just know that the Lord is having his way here. And for you WaterGirl fans- Yes, they are here to minister to us in song. I wish you were here to experience them too.Love you all. I’m off soon to present my workshop!


  1. Hi Danielle -- good stuff is definitely happening. Wow. The awesome thing about outreach is being able to share with someone who has no hope or is fading slowly - planting to seed as you said. It's hard though when they don't show, or you lose touch, but you soon realize that letting go has its Divine reasons. God bless you all!

  2. Aloha Danielle.... I love France. Unfortunately, everything you are writing is what I have read or heard about the French. If is very difficult to penetrate the social circles in France. What a blessing for those women who are there supporting their husband's ministries, to have you ladies from the states to give them support. I will continue to pray for you and the other gals. I'm starting a blog now myself. Your clever daughter, Dawn, found me before I could fine tune my site. Well, love you sis and have an amazing Mother's Day half way across the world from me. Shelly

  3. As I am about to go to bed and you are just beginning your Sunday, your Mother's day, I am saying a prayer that you will all have a blessed day and that these women, these moms, sisters and grandmas will feel God's goodness through you. Love you mom! Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

    P.S. Tiffany is still doing well.

  4. Happy Mother's Day to you from AZ! We are glad that the Lord is using you to show and share his love and promise to these women. I spoke of your travels and passed on your blog to a women at my church. She recently lost her husband and was a stay at home wife. She has been feeling calling to go into the mission field, but does not know where. We are praying for you, and the women who's lives you touch...We love you!

  5. Happy Mothers Day (although a day late for you)! I'm sure by know you have already completed your workshop and that you were fabulous! What an amazing journey you have been on thus far...and still so many more days to go. I continue to pray for your on-going safe travel and for many more opportunities for you and the other ladies to share God's love. Love you much!

  6. Hello, Neel... Boy, I've having a difficult time here ... but thank God... Jenny is here to help me. This is my third time typing my message to you.

    Just want to let you know that we love you and hope you had a great Mother's Day... Mom and Jenny are here now for our Mother Day's BBQ. Better go. My prayers are with you.

    Love you,

  7. Danielle it is so good to read your posts. I almost feel like I am experiencing little pieces of your journey with you. We are praying for you each wednesday in group. Love and miss you, Mary Rose
