Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Great is thy faithfulness, Great is thy faithfulness. Morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed thy hands hath provided. Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me.

What a great chorus to a wonderful hymn of faith. Indeed, great is God's faithfulness! I have definately seen God's faithfulness these last few weeks. As I have prepared to leave for this next trip to France; life continued to happen. With life came the start up of fall ministries at church, training and participating in a half marathon (walking) and planning for an event that happens one day after my return. Did I get frazzled at times. Yes! But thanks to the faithful prayers of friends and family, I can say that "It is well with my soul, " and I'm ready to go.

There are currently 50 women registered for the Lifesprings School of Ministry in Grenoble, France. Women are coming from France, Switzerland, Italy, and the UK. Many sacrifices are being made by the participants and their families emotionally, through time spent away at school and studying, as well as financially.

This school is a big deal. Lifesprings Ministries is breaking ground with the start-up of this school on Saturday, October 17, 2009. Women are being prepared for extended ministry in their homes, communities, and church families. I see it as preparing 50 more missionaries already out on the field. And that is awesome!

Our team leaves California this evening even amongest the first big storm of the season. We are not detered. God has a mission for us, and we will set out to see it fulfilled, Lord willing. Please continue to pray as we start out on our journey.

Since we start our traveling this evening, it may be a while before I can post again. I am hopeful that it will be sometime on Thursday. I might even have a picture of the weary travelers. Until then, thanks for your prayers!


  1. Ah Danielle, I've been thinking of you and Janice all day. I pray your travels will be easy and know God will use you both in a mighty way.

  2. thanks for representing us Danielle! I pray you return renewed and refreshed through the miracle of His hands after accomplishing great things!
